lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Thesis Statement: #FreeYuyee

``Frank de la Jungla´´ is the TV program of Fran Cuesta, a program which became very famous and known in Spain some years ago. He denounced many animals in Thailand were in danger because of the mafias and the own government. With him, we had a lot of funny moments, and other as not much as. His ex-wife, Yuyee is in prison because she was accused of taking and transport drug. However, the true reality is that Yuyee shouldn´t be there because she is innocent and his only crime was denounce the animal mistreatment

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Mortal college chairs

College chairs are a serious and extremely important topic. Why? Because my back and the backs of everybody are in danger. Everytime I have to sit on one of those horrible chairs, my poor back and skeleton suffer with only thinking. The furniture cannot be moved and you cannot even cross one leg over the other one. Therefore, when I arrive home, a mortal ache is killing me.
The only possible solution for me is one: Changing chairs and tables by others, which you can move for your comfort. I know the expenses would be big, but other many classrooms enjoy this ``privilege´´. Every student has the same rights so, it is not much to ask normal and comfortable enough furniture, isn´t it?

The ying and yang

The different personalities of Keyla and Kellan couldn´t create more funny and at the same time, strained situations between both characters. We could say that Kellan is an out-going boy with a good sense of humour. He loves laughing and as many men, he loves women. By contrast, Keyla is a girl very, very quiet. She never does something without having thought early. She scrutinizes everything and analyses the situation with calm. However, our dear Kellan is a crazy head, who first acts and after, thinks.
Despite having different ways of behaving, they share some similarities. Their childhood was very difficult. Kellan´s mother died when he was only a child and his father was murdered because of being a rebel. Keyla is a ``special´´ youngster, whose family was assassined. She loved them a lot, and the lost affected her forever. Their goals in their lives are totally opposite, but they are like the ying and yang. They complete each other and they make an explosive combination.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Assassin´s Creed, one of the best things of the technology

Assassin´s Creed is a game that will catch you and it won´t let you indifferent to it. When you see one of these trailers you feel the energy running through your blood and the adrenalin. It is like if I was one of those fantastic heroes, who risk their lives for the common good. Even though I don´t play them, I am always looking forward to a new trailer in YouTube. I couldn´t explain what it is most amazing in the Assasin´s Creed´s trailer, if the music or the picture and story.
The first trailer of Assassin´s Creed that I saw was the trailer of the character Connor. He is a Native American and of course, he is an Assassin. This latter is an organization which protects the people from the shadows.This videogame tells us the life story of Connor and the American Revolution against the British (you will even find importan figures like George Washington leading the American army)
In addition to the attractive story, we have the image. I loved the picture when I saw the trailer the first time. I remember I thought: ``It seems so real and the character look like normal people´´. I wanted to see more and more. The characters, the movements, the fights, the jumps in the air...everything was impact and at the same time insufficient.
By contrat, I couldn´t forget the music which appears in the trailers. Famous (and not as much as known) groups like ``Imagine Dragons´´ have lent their songs to be used and the mixture leave me without words. When you hear ``Radioctive´´ you can only think: ``Oh yeah!!! You know what I want´´. The chemistry there is between the scene of the battle of Connor with the British, and the stanza of ``Radioctive´´ makes me have the skin of hen.
The Assassin universe is growing continuosly, with more stories based on historic events or fact. One of the last was Assassin´s Creed Unity, whose story is about the French Revolution, with the epic song: ``Everybody wants to rule the world´´, by Lorde.
It is a fact that its popularity won´t disappear the next years and the company is becoming more and more famous. The good job of the workers and drawners, as well as the melodies used have created a combination to which nobody will be able to resist.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Tired but happy

This evening I have done my first university exam. This was of French and although, I didn´t thought that it would be difficult, I felt a bit scared. However, it wasn´t and I think I will have a good mark. 
This morning I have studied Contemporaneous Culture for two hours and afterwards, I have studied French for an hour more or less. I felt very tired, so I thought what someone important to me has told me many times: You have studied and studied everyday and you are an intelligent person with a good memory, so STOP STUDYING!!!or your brain will explode.
Now, I´m home and I can´t stop thinking that I should study a little more of Culture and English, but I feel without energy for that. Therefore, I have decided that I´m not going to study more because my brain is going to explode, I know it. I will continue to study and reading tomorrow. This evening and night I am watching Naruto Shippuden *:* (By contrast, it doesn´t mean that I won´t feel guilty, I can´t avoid it to)