Some of the richest people in the world are involved in the fashion world. They are important designers such as Vitorio and Luckino or Prada, who have created their own clothe companies and style. However, this world has a dark face and we can find an example of it in Amancio Ortega: He is the lead of Inditex and he has created an empire, but because of slavery.
Many are the news about the bad conditions in which Inditex´s workers work. They are not only people from Asia, but also from South America (Brasil, Venezuela...) The news and articles which I have read, said that the whole families work in very small rooms, without water and electricity. They work a lot of hours and they are paid a misery. Personally, I felt much dissappointed, because I really liked buying clothe in Stradivarius or Berska. In fact, I only purchased my clothe from Inditex.
Of course, there are more companies which exploit people from poor countris, such as Nike, Adidas... It is said that all companies use people and people tell me that it is stupid if I don´t want to buy my cloth in those shops. By contrast, I hope that there are some companies which treat well their workers.
To sum up, the world is in the hands of people that want to earn more and more money, such as Amancio Ortega. They do whatever they need to get money without spending much. So, their empires are built with the pain of the poor people.
martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014
lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014
4th practice
As a book says: ``The winter is coming´´; and with it the Christmas holidays. This is a season which many people enjoy. The families meet and the friends go out, a lot of dinners are celebrated and children are looking forward to the arrival of Saint Claus. However, someone is not very happy: The university students. When these holidays are near, all the students think that they won´t have holidays because they have to study, but you will be able to fancy them if you organise your time.
Some students study when the course begins, so they won´t feel overwhelmed when the holidays start. It is true that this way is very hard or maybe you don´t have many free time. Despite that, if you practise what the teachers have explained you and read your class notes everyday, you will feel calmer than a person who hasn´t done it.
Added to this, other young people decide to begin with thei homework when the holidays begin. You have had a good course, with a lot of free time. You have been able to go to parties and meet with your friends. The negative part is that you have to learn all what you left for the last moment in a month. There are many subjects and books for reading. Therefore, you believe that it is impossible to study everything and you are desperate.
To sum up, you have two ways of studying when you at the university. The hardest solution is the first one, but I think it is the best because you will even be able to enjoy some days of Christmas if you want to. Meanwhile, the second solution is the most comfortable at the beginning, but in the end, it is the worst.
Some students study when the course begins, so they won´t feel overwhelmed when the holidays start. It is true that this way is very hard or maybe you don´t have many free time. Despite that, if you practise what the teachers have explained you and read your class notes everyday, you will feel calmer than a person who hasn´t done it.
Added to this, other young people decide to begin with thei homework when the holidays begin. You have had a good course, with a lot of free time. You have been able to go to parties and meet with your friends. The negative part is that you have to learn all what you left for the last moment in a month. There are many subjects and books for reading. Therefore, you believe that it is impossible to study everything and you are desperate.
To sum up, you have two ways of studying when you at the university. The hardest solution is the first one, but I think it is the best because you will even be able to enjoy some days of Christmas if you want to. Meanwhile, the second solution is the most comfortable at the beginning, but in the end, it is the worst.

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014
Comparison between drawing and writing
As person who really loves art, I wouldn´t be able to decide between a picture or a book. They have their similarities and differences, of course but the most important and the principal thing they have in common is: They transmit you a message.
Drawing or painting were the first way of communication for humans, while writing were developed with the time in important cultures like Egypte, Mayas, Rome...On the one hand,when you draw the public can see what you want to express. There are not words to explain it. Simply the picture´s power is very strong and it catchs you. On the other hand, when you write the reader can feel the character´s emotions and feelings. It seems that you are there, in the middle of the book, living their lives and adventures. But as everything, they have a negative part; because a picture can´t tell you with words what it really means, and to understand a book you need to use your imagination.
To sum up, these arts are some the most amazing and perfect manners of communication of the humanity. Without them, our lives would be totally different.
Drawing or painting were the first way of communication for humans, while writing were developed with the time in important cultures like Egypte, Mayas, Rome...On the one hand,when you draw the public can see what you want to express. There are not words to explain it. Simply the picture´s power is very strong and it catchs you. On the other hand, when you write the reader can feel the character´s emotions and feelings. It seems that you are there, in the middle of the book, living their lives and adventures. But as everything, they have a negative part; because a picture can´t tell you with words what it really means, and to understand a book you need to use your imagination.
To sum up, these arts are some the most amazing and perfect manners of communication of the humanity. Without them, our lives would be totally different.
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014
Outline: Family
I. Introduction
II. Thesis Statement: Although someone wouldn´t like to admit, there are a lot of different families, and we should considerer them as something normal.
III. Biological family.
A.Parents and siblings.
B. Cousins, grandparents, uncles...
IV. Adoptive family.
A. Families with a Chinese child (or another nationality).
B. Parents who are gays.
C. Parents who can´t have a child.
V. When your friends become your family.
VI. Family in TV.
A. Modern family.
B. The Originals.
C. The Vampire Diaries
D. The Simpsons
VII. Conclusion: So there is not only diversity of reliongs, races, languages.. but also different families, which deserve our respect, without exception.
II. Thesis Statement: Although someone wouldn´t like to admit, there are a lot of different families, and we should considerer them as something normal.
III. Biological family.
A.Parents and siblings.
B. Cousins, grandparents, uncles...
IV. Adoptive family.
A. Families with a Chinese child (or another nationality).
B. Parents who are gays.
C. Parents who can´t have a child.
V. When your friends become your family.
VI. Family in TV.
A. Modern family.
B. The Originals.
C. The Vampire Diaries
D. The Simpsons
VII. Conclusion: So there is not only diversity of reliongs, races, languages.. but also different families, which deserve our respect, without exception.
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
Essay: Doramas
When I was younger, people thought that I was strange and a friki. I guess that they had reason, but definitely I am more happy being as I am really. I have always been an ``otaku´´ of manga and anime. Cartoons such as ``Naruto´´or ``Detective Conan´´ have marked my childhood. When I grew up, I continued watching them, but I discovered something new: ``Doramas´´. Despite someone can believe, dorama are much more interesting than a simple soap drama and many TV series.
First of all, I am explaining what a dorama is exactly. ``Dorama´´ is a word to select all Oriental´s series and soap dramas. There are many kinds: comedy, mystery, drama, fiction, fantasy... Personally, I preferer doramas which treat about comedy, modern life, history and fantasy. There are so many that you will never be bored of them. Most importantly, the sex is much less frequently than European and American dramas, which is sometimes a relief. In my opinion, in those series too sex appears, only to get more audience. It sucks.
The first dorama I watched was ``Hana Yori Dango´´. This dorama was based on the manga and anime with the same name. I saw it because I didn´t find the manga or anime, so I decided to watch it. There are a lot of versions of ``Hana Yori Dango´´. This one is the Japanese version, the second one I saw was the Korean: ``Boys Before Flowers´´(I know, I know, the name is not very serious, but well...). Also there are a Chinese and a Taiwanes version of this fantastic story.
Since then, I couldn´t stop watching and I became an addict to them. I have seen so much that I can´t remember all the names: ``You´re beautiful´´, ``Coffee Prince´´, ``My fair Lady´´, ``Lie to me´´, ``Secret´´,``Marry me, Mary´´... At the moment, I´m finishing with one whose name is ``Empress Ki´´. At the beginning, this one didn´t attract me much, but in a few episodes I was totally addicted; and in less of three weeks I have almost seen the 51 episodes.
To conclude, ``dorama´´ is a TV serie which is from Asian. Some of them are inspired in historical facts, mangas, in real life...There are a lot and if you decide to watch one of them, you will run the risk of being an addict as I am now.
First of all, I am explaining what a dorama is exactly. ``Dorama´´ is a word to select all Oriental´s series and soap dramas. There are many kinds: comedy, mystery, drama, fiction, fantasy... Personally, I preferer doramas which treat about comedy, modern life, history and fantasy. There are so many that you will never be bored of them. Most importantly, the sex is much less frequently than European and American dramas, which is sometimes a relief. In my opinion, in those series too sex appears, only to get more audience. It sucks.
The first dorama I watched was ``Hana Yori Dango´´. This dorama was based on the manga and anime with the same name. I saw it because I didn´t find the manga or anime, so I decided to watch it. There are a lot of versions of ``Hana Yori Dango´´. This one is the Japanese version, the second one I saw was the Korean: ``Boys Before Flowers´´(I know, I know, the name is not very serious, but well...). Also there are a Chinese and a Taiwanes version of this fantastic story.
Since then, I couldn´t stop watching and I became an addict to them. I have seen so much that I can´t remember all the names: ``You´re beautiful´´, ``Coffee Prince´´, ``My fair Lady´´, ``Lie to me´´, ``Secret´´,``Marry me, Mary´´... At the moment, I´m finishing with one whose name is ``Empress Ki´´. At the beginning, this one didn´t attract me much, but in a few episodes I was totally addicted; and in less of three weeks I have almost seen the 51 episodes.
To conclude, ``dorama´´ is a TV serie which is from Asian. Some of them are inspired in historical facts, mangas, in real life...There are a lot and if you decide to watch one of them, you will run the risk of being an addict as I am now.
This was the video with which I discover this fantastic dorama
Writing: Who said that family is easy?
It is known
that having a good relation with your parents when you are a teenager sometimes
is very difficult. You can think your point of view is the only correct. In
addition to your parents never understand you. However, you should have an open
mind. In this report, we are talking about some topics to discuss with your
parents during the lunch.
parents believe that their children are indifferent to the problems and teenagers
do not take seriously them, such as the economy, justice… By contrast, young
people are often interested in those topics, so these ones could be discussed. The
whole family will be able to discover new interesting facts, although they do
not agree.
If you want
to talk about other issues because you believe someone of the family could
fight with another, you can speak about music, some films to watch, books, etc.
The principal objective is having a nice chat and showing that family´s members
are able to keen on the same things.
children will realize that they do not only look like their parents; but come
to the conclusion that they share some opinions. Parents can be asked by their
children how their day was in the job. As a result, the relation between them
will improve and their confidence too.
To sum up,
it is clear that to get a close-knit family is not always easy. The process to
avoid a dysfunctional family is based on conversation, calm and above all, on
look up to everybody´s opinions. We hope this report will be useful for you.
jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014
Not a trend
Introduction: If we pay attention carefully to the history, we will notice that it has a dark hidden world. The humanity has always been scared of this world. Werewolves, witches, mermaids whose melody appeals the ingenuous mariners, demons which attack the people, ghosts and vampires. They are not a teenager´s fad, they are much more. Their history is so interesting that we can´t denny the attraction we have felt to them.
Conclusion: Therefore, although they don´t exist, a fact is clear: The humanity has been influenced by them little time ago. When something strange happened, the fault was of them, because people didn´t have any explanations for the odd things. With the time, they have become our way of escaping. They represent all we can´t be. All we would like to be.
Conclusion: Therefore, although they don´t exist, a fact is clear: The humanity has been influenced by them little time ago. When something strange happened, the fault was of them, because people didn´t have any explanations for the odd things. With the time, they have become our way of escaping. They represent all we can´t be. All we would like to be.
domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014
Outline: Vampires in gothic novels
I Thesis statement: Vampires are not a fad of teenagers; their history is much interesting, enigmatic and powerful that people could ever think.
II Vampire´s history
A Origins
B Places where vampires are important in their folklore
C Over the time
III Vampires in gothic novels
A Polidori´s The Vampyre
B Sheridan Le Fanu´s Carmilla
C Bram Stoker´s Dracula
IV Vampires in cinema
A First movies
1. Nosferatu
2. Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola
B Last movies
1. Twilight
2. Shadows Hunters
3. Vampire Academic
C Vampire´s TV dramas
1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. The Vampire Diaries
3. The Originals
V Vampire style
VI Vampire music
VII Conclusion: Some people think that vampires are much more than a fad; they reflect what society want to hide.
Klaus Mikaelson is a good example of a evil vampire, however, he has that charisma that attacts you like moths to the light.
II Vampire´s history
A Origins
B Places where vampires are important in their folklore
C Over the time
III Vampires in gothic novels
A Polidori´s The Vampyre
B Sheridan Le Fanu´s Carmilla
C Bram Stoker´s Dracula
IV Vampires in cinema
A First movies
1. Nosferatu
2. Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola
B Last movies
1. Twilight
2. Shadows Hunters
3. Vampire Academic
C Vampire´s TV dramas
1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. The Vampire Diaries
3. The Originals
V Vampire style
VI Vampire music
VII Conclusion: Some people think that vampires are much more than a fad; they reflect what society want to hide.
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014
Dear little Cristinica...
What happen with your dreams when you grow? When I was a child, I dreamed with being a fashion-designer (funny, because my friends of school don´t think that I am very good with the mode), I wanted to be a model (yes, friends. A model...despite, I didn´t have the ``adequate´´ weight. However, I was very tall. I``was´´. Now, it seems I won´t grow much more), a singer (maybe doing a due with my best friend in the world: My cousin Raquel xD. About the voice, it can be fixed with playback and modern tecnology...I guess.), actress (only I will say that Hannah Montana has made much damage),a drawner of manga (drawing is one of my passions), teacher (I think that is the reason for I am studying English and dying slowly with the grammar), and being a writer was another of my dreams, but as I am not very inspired, I don´t know if I will be able to become a writer by the night and an English teacher by the day. What has happened? Where is my dreams and my passions? Where are they? Are they disappeared because I am growing and becoming an adult? Or will I find my little me inside of my blonde heart?
If you might be interested in some of my drawings, you can see them in my instagram:
About the stories I have written...I have written about vampires (yes, I am the typical girl who loves vampires and love stories with them), love stories with dangerous boys (one of them is the famous Korean boy) and my longest story is Keyla´s story. She is a murder and all she wants is one thing: killing the rebeals who killed their family.
If you might be interested in some of my drawings, you can see them in my instagram:
About the stories I have written...I have written about vampires (yes, I am the typical girl who loves vampires and love stories with them), love stories with dangerous boys (one of them is the famous Korean boy) and my longest story is Keyla´s story. She is a murder and all she wants is one thing: killing the rebeals who killed their family.
domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014
Something that many people don´t know
People are usually surprised when they know I like One Direction. They think this band is another pop band which will disappear soon. They even think that the five boys don´t sing very well. In my opinion, that is not true. Ther first song I heard from One Direction was ``What makes you beautiful´´ and it is very happy, cheerful and fun. I really liked it because it was different from nowdays music. All you can hear now is boys saying rude or impolite things. However, One Direction is sweet and it makes me smile. In addition, they seem very funny and polite with their fans and people in general. They even gave the money they got with the song ``One way or another´´, sung by them to an ONG. So I like One Direction and I don´t mind if people dislike it or not.
sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014
Since I began the college, a question has been in my mind: Will I be enough good for this? Sometimes I think that I am not enough good and I won´t have success. I decided to study English because I had brilliant marks but I didn´t know what to do. I liked history, but I wasn´t conviced of studyng it. However, I thought that I would like to be teacher, but I didn´t know of what subject. Maybe art? Why not English? I am not bad and I have always wanted to learn English and I like teaching it. But now I stupid. I think all I do is not as perfect as I was used to. I know I have just began in the college but I can´t avoid my perfectionist personality. If I have chosen wrong? I think I will be crazy with all these vocabulary and grammar. Sometimes I think it is impossible.
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014
More and more thieves in Spain
It seems that corruption is everywhere. Everyday I turn on TV, the news are talking about corruption. The president doesn´t want to give explanations. All he says is an ``excuse me´´ or ``I´m sorry´´ and then he says that he has explained what it has happen. I might not be as clever as others, but I would swear that sorry is not an explanation. Corruption is a serious problem, and I don´t think it will solve only with excuses. The politics have the responsability of representing us and protecting our interests. But more and more politics steal us while almost three millions of children live under threshold of poverty and millions of people can´t find a job. They should feel embarrased.
Is there any solution to solve this problem? I don´t know. I don´t know why we have so many corrupt politics so it is difficult to find a solution. I guess the fiscal and legal system should be harder than now. Therefore, these ``reputable´´ people would think twice before steal us.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
What do you think?
Many girls dream with have a boyfriend (or girlfriend) today, but sometimes they don´t think it has disadvantages. I used to be this kind of girl. I have read a lot of book or watched many tv programs of love. I dreamed with have handsome, clever and fun boyfriend. He must have blue eyes because I really like these eyes. Or he must be Asiatic because I love Chinese, Korean, Japanese...boys. I must say that I have a boyfriend, and I love him. If I didn´t, I wouldn´t be with him, would I?? He is my best friend. I have never had many male friends, and much less best male friends. So I can talk everything with him. I never thought I could tell someboy my secrets, but I do with him. He is always encourage me. But love is not easy sometimes. If you only want to be with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you could lose good times with your friends, people which is important for you. You can think in him or her all the time and you must be carefully, because your studies could be affected. Even your personality can change because you want that person loves you and you would do anything to get it. But you must keep your personality and not change your body or your style for him. So love is something very good, but sometimes not much.
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014
It´s me or the cartoons have worsened? When I was a child, I love seeing cartoons. I used to see Pokemon, Totally Spies, Martin Mystery, Ben 10, Witch, Naruto, Detective Conan... But all cartoons I see now are stupid. The cartoons of my chilhood were well- made and they were lovely. I loved and I love the characters and how they were drawn. Many of the cartoons I used to watch were from Anime or Manga and I think these kind of cartoons are very funny and also they teach you important things, how the value of friendship or the fight between the Good and the Evil. Detective Conan sometimes had hard or scary scene, but it was so realistic to me that I couldn´t stop watching it. I really enjoyed Naruto. He never gave up because he wanted to be a hero. However, what things do the cartoons teach to the children nowdays? They are awful. From myviewpoint, the drawer don´t work very hard. Even a child could draws some cartoon more cool. Also, I can see some ones saying rude words...very nice and lovely, don´t you think? They are always saying things without sense and the don´t teach anything interesting.
martes, 21 de octubre de 2014
He sometimes doesn´t think what he does. He is a tall boy, very handsome and his hair is blond. His mother died when he was only a child and his dad died some years ago. When his mother died, he and his father joined to the rebels. When his father died, he felt alone in the world, but affortunately he had Morgan. Morgan is like a father, a brother and a friend for him. He really enjoys talking with Morgan due to he doesn´t judge him. But now he has a new hobbie: Bothering to Kyle. Since he arrived at the camp, he felt riot and rage, but also he had fun moments. Kellan thinks that inside of him, Kyle has a good heart. Sometimes Kellan feel something of attraction for Kyle, but then he thinks that is impossible, because Kyle is a man. Therefore Kellan doesn´t want to think about those feelings which are growing in his heart.
Unconditional basic income
I don´t know if unconditional basic income is a good system of economy. From my viewpoint, this something very similar to the comunism. I mean, the uncontional basic income is a system in which the government gives money to people. With this money people will be able to live a good life. But if everybody earns the same money for working, what happens with the people who work very hard?Let´s be clear. There are people working without studying before, people who doesn´t work hard...Should this people earn the same money than others? I don´t think so. But every system has its negative aspects, so I don´t konw if this would be the better or not.
sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014
Letter to me
I want to talk about the creativity. Personally, I don´t consider me a creative person despite being a drawer. I think that I´m like a photocopier. When I see something that I love I feel that I want to draw it. However I haven´t felt that ``love´´ for something again. Sometimes I think my ``Artist me´´ is dying and that makes me feel sad. I am also a writer however, I used to write much more. Now, I am not writing much... It sucks. Why is this happening? Is because I´m growing up? If it is, I think I don´t want to grow...
I don´t want to lose my-self.
I don´t want to lose my creativity.
I don´t want to lose my little artist me.
I don´t want to lose my-self.
I don´t want to lose my creativity.
I don´t want to lose my little artist me.
sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014
Her bedroom
Her bedroom has been and it is my favourite place, I mean cousin's bedroom. This place is very special to me.
In her bedroom I have played that I'm a spy or I'm a ninja.
In her bedroom I can talk with this special person about everything.
In her bedroom I have cried, laughed, smiled, shouted of pain or riot.
In her bedroom I feel a child again thank to her.
In her bedroom I have one of the most important people for me.
In her bedroom I have played that I'm a spy or I'm a ninja.
In her bedroom I can talk with this special person about everything.
In her bedroom I have cried, laughed, smiled, shouted of pain or riot.
In her bedroom I feel a child again thank to her.
In her bedroom I have one of the most important people for me.
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014
Kellan´s letter
Dear Keyla:
I can understand your pain. I´m a rebel who fight against the King Dimitri. I understand your pain because my father dead many years ago. I remember that day with difficulty... Everything was confuse to me. I grew up without my mum since she dead when I was a child... She had bright and gold hair, green eyes like tree´s leaves and she always had a smile for me. She was the most beautiful and sweetest mum in the world. My father loved her so much and when she died due to the hungry and misery in the kingdom, my father decided to join to the rebels and to take me with him.
Now, I´m one of the leader in the camp. I hope this war will finish soon. It is very hard; sometimes I haven´t got strenght enough to continue. I don´t know how go on.
I can understand your pain. I´m a rebel who fight against the King Dimitri. I understand your pain because my father dead many years ago. I remember that day with difficulty... Everything was confuse to me. I grew up without my mum since she dead when I was a child... She had bright and gold hair, green eyes like tree´s leaves and she always had a smile for me. She was the most beautiful and sweetest mum in the world. My father loved her so much and when she died due to the hungry and misery in the kingdom, my father decided to join to the rebels and to take me with him.
Now, I´m one of the leader in the camp. I hope this war will finish soon. It is very hard; sometimes I haven´t got strenght enough to continue. I don´t know how go on.
lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014
A letter for you
Fear of hurting you because of my insecurity, that´s what I feel. I don´t want to hurt you because you are very important to me. I had fallen in love before, but I hadn´t ever felt how I feel with you. Maybe it´s because you are the first one to me. When I see your face and how much you love me I ... I can´t explain it...I can feel your love to me and I think I don´t deserve you.
You always say to me that you love me.
You always have a sweet smile for me and at this moment, I could cry because your feelings are so amazing for me.
You always huge me when I cry, when I´m scared, when all I want to do is to give up.
But you are always there, touching me with your big hands, rising me with your strong arms and saying with your fleshy lips: I love you.
You always say to me that you love me.
You always have a sweet smile for me and at this moment, I could cry because your feelings are so amazing for me.
You always huge me when I cry, when I´m scared, when all I want to do is to give up.
But you are always there, touching me with your big hands, rising me with your strong arms and saying with your fleshy lips: I love you.
miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014
Keyla´s letter
I don´t feel anything. Simply... I can´t. Why? I don´t know. Maybe something is wrong with me or perhaps it´s because of my past. I lost everything, all my life. I was so happy with my sisters. We were always laughing. My predilect sister was Isis, she was so special. I remember a day when we were talking about everything and at the same time about anything.
Now, all my world has changed. They disappeared and I feel... so empty. I don´t know what to say. You can believe what I say doesn´t have much sense, and you can have reason. So let me make you a question:
What would you do if all your family were killed?
Follow with your life?
If you don´t have a life any more?
I have my answer: Revenge, that is what I do, but this revenge later or soon will kill me.
Now, all my world has changed. They disappeared and I feel... so empty. I don´t know what to say. You can believe what I say doesn´t have much sense, and you can have reason. So let me make you a question:
What would you do if all your family were killed?
Follow with your life?
If you don´t have a life any more?
I have my answer: Revenge, that is what I do, but this revenge later or soon will kill me.
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014
A new beginning
Today I start a new beginning, I don´t know if I´ll do well or not... I just want to have good moments with old and new people who teach me to laugh and to live.
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